The MICA Institute, since its creation, has participated in number of national and international networks. It even hosted some of them.
Group network of CNRS units AURA of Asia in IT and engineering.
MICA was the representative of AURA Group for 2011.
MICA actively participates in activities of the Group since then.
International Consortium for Support of Cambodia's ITC
MICA is the representative of the Hanoi university of science and technology in Consortium (HUST has been Consortium member since 2009)
MICA's researchers (Department of Speech Communication) are members of the international association IPA (International Phonetic Association)
Alexis Michaud was elected to the Board of the Association for the period 2015-2019
MICA's researchers (Speech Communication Department) are members of the Vietnam network VLSP (Vietnamese Language and Speech Processing)
Network of European project CONE (Collaborative Open Network for Education)
MICA was leader of the network from 2004 to 2007
Network SPAN (Speech Processing Asian Network)