MICA researchers are proud to welcome Marc Brunelle, Associate Professor in linguistics at the University of Ottawa, as an Adjunct Member of Institute MICA.

Marc Brunelle is the first Adjunct Member of Institute MICA. His outstanding scientific and human qualities are unanimously appreciated by the members of the Speech Communication department of Institute MICA. It is hoped that new opportunities for collaboration and joint research will open up between Marc Brunelle and MICA members, and more generally between MICA and the Department of Linguistics at the University of Ottawa.

Marc Brunelle, among Alexis Michaud (left) and Eric Castelli (right)

CV: Marc Brunelle is Associate Professor and Chair of Graduate Studies Committee in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Ottawa, Canada. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University and taught at Michigan University in 2005-2006. He conducts linguistic fieldwork in Vietnam (since 2002) and Cambodia, investigating the prosodic systems of Cham and Vietnamese dialects. He is an internationally leading expert on phonological theory, phonetics, tone and intonation, language documentation, and the effect of language contact on sound systems.
Institutional web page: http://aix1.uottawa.ca/~mbrunell/