Dang-Khoa MAC Dr.
Speech Communication DepartmentMultiLab
Room 1004, B1 building
MICA International Research Institute (HUST - CNRS/UMI2954 - Grenoble INP)
Hanoi University of Science and Technology
No.1, Dai Co Viet rd., Hai Ba Trung dist.
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +84-4-38683087 ex. 115
Fax: +84-4-38683551
Short Academic Biography
I graduated my engineer of Information Technology from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2005. In 2007, I have MS degree of Information Processing and Communication from HUST. I received my Ph.D. degree of “Signal, Image, Speech and Telecommunications” from Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), France in 2012. I am currently a lecturer/researcher at Speech Communication Department and Multimodal Interaction Laboratory (MultiLab), MICA International Research Institute, Hanoi University of Science and Technology.
Current Research Interests
- Speech and Language Processing
- Speech Prosody
- Expressive speech (Attitude/Emotion)
- Human Machine Speech Interaction
Involved Projects: On-going
Duration | Title | Funding | Role |
2017-2020 | Research and development automatic translation system from Vietnamese text to Muong speech, apply to unwritten minority languages in Vietnam (ĐTĐLCN.20/17) | National project) | Project leader |
2012- | AuCo: Audio Corpora of languages of Vietnam and neighbouring countries | MICA project | Participant |
Involved Projects: Finished
Duration | Title | Funding | Role |
2012-2016 | Visually impaired people assistance using multimodal technologies (VLIR-UOS ZEIN2012RIP19) | Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR-UOS) | Participant |
2011-2015 | Design of a smart automation system using human-machine interaction based on Vietnamese speech in noisy environments (KC.03.07/11-15) | Vietnamese National Project | Participant |
My publications on MICA's site and on Google Scholar
Book Chapters
- Mac, Dang-Khoa, and Do-Dat Tran. "Modeling Vietnamese Speech Prosody: A Step-by-Step Approach Towards an Expressive Speech Synthesis System." In Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 273-287. Springer International Publishing, 2015 [Link]
International Conference Papers
- Van-Thinh Nguyen, Thi-Ngoc-Diep Do, Dang-Khoa Mac, Eric Castelli.“Optimizing data transmission on mobile platform for speech translation system” The First Regional Conference on OCR and NLP for ASEAN Languages (ONA 2017), 11-2017, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
- Hang-Phuong Nguyen, Dang-Khoa Mac, Eric CASTELLI, Viet-Son NGUYEN, Eric Castelli, Viet-Son Nguyen.“Automatic speech segmentation for monosyllabic languages using speech intensity features: experiment on minority languages in Vietnam” The First Regional Conference on OCR and NLP for ASEAN Languages (ONA 2017), 11-2017, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
- Tien-Thanh Nguyen, Dang-Khoa Mac, Do-Dat Tran, Manh-Ha Nguyen, Eric Castelli, Viet-Son Nguyen.“Indexing syllable dictionary for non-uniform unit selection speech synthesis: Application on Text-to-speech system on Android devices” The First Regional Conference on OCR and NLP for ASEAN Languages (ONA 2017), 11-2017, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
- Trung-Kien Dao, Thanh-Hai Tran, Thi-Lan Le, Hai Vu, Viet-Tung Nguyen, Dang-Khoa Mac, Ngoc-Diep Do, Thanh-Thuy Pham.“Indoor navigation assistance system for visually impaired people using multimodal technologies,” The 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), ISBN: 978-1-5090-4757-4, 11-2016, Phuket, Thailand, DOI: 10.1109/ICARCV.2016.7838771. [link]
- Viet-Son Nguyen, Trung-Kien Dao, Viet-Tung Nguyen, Do-Dat Tran, Dang-Khoa Mac, Ngoc-Diep Do, Tuan-Ninh Nguyen. “A domotic solution with vietnamese speech interaction,” Regional Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (RCEEE), 11-2016, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- MICHAUD Alexis, GUILLAUME Séverine, JACQUES Guillaume, MAC Dang Khoa, JACOBSON Michel, PHAM Thu Ha, Matthew Deo. "Contribuer au progrès solidaire des recherches et de la documentation : la Collection Pangloss et la Collection AuCo." 31ème Journées d’Études sur la Parole, (JEP 2016), Paris, France, July 2016. [Link]
- Mac, Dang-Khoa, Thi-Lan Nguyen, Alexis Michaud, and Do-Dat Tran. "Influences of speaker attitudes on glottalized tones: a study of two Vietnamese sentence-final particles." The 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2015), Glasgow, UK. August 2015. [Link]
- Tran, Do-Dat and Dang-Khoa MAC. "Application of speech technologies for Vietnamese language on smartphone. VIetnamese Voice Assistant system (VIVA)." Regional Conference on Computer and Information Engineering (RCCIE), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, October 2014. pp 107-111
- Do, Thi Ngoc Diep, Duy Binh Nguyen, Dang Khoa Mac, and Do Dat Tran. "Machine Translation Approach for Vietnamese Diacritic Restoration." International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP 2013), Urumqi, China, August 2013, pp. 103-106. [Link]
- Nguyen, Thi-Lan, Alexis Michaud, Do-Dat Tran, and Dang-Khoa Mac. "The interplay of intonation and complex lexical tones: how speaker attitudes affect the realization of glottalization on Vietnamese sentence-final particles." The 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2013), Lyon, France, August 2013. pp 3522-3526 [Link]
- Mac, Dang-Khoa, Eric Castelli, and Véronique Aubergé. "Modeling the prosody of Vietnamese attitudes for expressive speech synthesis." International workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced languages (SLTU 2012), Cape Town, South Africa, May 2012, pp. 114-118 [Link]
- Mac, Dang-Khoa, Véronique Aubergé, Eric Castelli, and Albert Rilliard. "Local vs. global prosodic cues: effect of tones on attitudinal prosody in cross-perception of Vietnamese by French." The 6th International Conference on Speech Prosody (Speech Prosody 2012), Shanghai, China, May 2012, pp 222-225. [Link]
- Mac, Dang-Khoa, Véronique Aubergé, Eric Castelli, and Albert Rilliard. "Can the tones (local function) influence the acoustic perception of the Vietnamese attitudes (global function) for French listeners (non tonal)?." International Conference on Speech and Corpora (GSCP 2012), Belo Horizonte, Brazil - March 2012.
- Mac, Dang-Khoa, Eric Castelli, Véronique Aubergé, and Albert Rilliard. "How vietnamese attitudes can be recognized and confused: Cross-cultural perception and speech prosody analysis." International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP 2011), Penang, Malaysia, November 2011, pp. 220-223. [Link]
- Mac, Dang-Khoa, Véronique Aubergé, Albert Rilliard, and Eric Castelli. "Cross-cultural perception of Vietnamese Audio-Visual prosodic attitudes." The 5th International Conference on Speech Prosody (Speech Prosody 2010), Chicago, USA, May 2010, pp 356-359. [Link]
- Mac, Dang-Khoa, Véronique Aubergé, Albert Rilliard, and Eric Castelli. "Vietnamese multimodal social affects: how prosodic attitudes can be recognized and confused." The 2nd International workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced languages (SLTU 2010), Penang, Malaysia, May 2010, pp. 24-28.
- Mac, Dang-Khoa, Véronique Aubergé, Albert Rilliard, and Eric Castelli. "Perception interculturelle des attitudes audio-visuelles vietnamiennes." Journées d'Etude sur la Parole (JEP 2010), Mons, Belgium, 2010.
- Mac, Dang-Khoa, Véronique Aubergé, Albert Rilliard, and Eric Castelli. "Audio-visual prosody of social attitudes in Vietnamese: building and evaluating a tones balanced corpus." In 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (InterSpeech 2009), Brighton, U.K, September 2009, pp 2263--2266. [Link]
Domestic Conference Papers
- Tran Thi-Thu-Thuy, Do Thi-Ngoc-Diep, Mac Dang-Khoa, Pham Van-Dong. " Cross-lingual phoneme recognition for familiar languages: Applying to Vietnamese and Muong languages." The 11nd National conference on Fundamental and Applied IT Research (FAIR 2018), Hanoi, Vietnam, August 2018
- Pham Van-Dong, Dang-Khoa Mac, Thi-Hai-Ha Vu and Do-Dat Tran. "Rapid development of text to speech system for unsupported languages using faking input approach: Experiment with Muong." The 10nd National conference on Fundamental and Applied IT Research (FAIR 2017), Danang, Vietnam, August 2017
- Do, Thi Ngoc Diep, Dang Khoa Mac and Nguyen Ngoc Bimh. "Applying SCORM 2004 in development of E-learning system." The 2nd National conference on Fundamental and Applied IT Research (FAIR 2005), Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, September 2005. (In Vietnamese)
Presentation-Only Workshops
- MICHAUD Alexis, TRAN Tri Doi, MAC Dang Khoa. " Conservation et étude des langues du Vietnam : perspectives ouvertes par la numérisation des archives orales." Institut Français de Hanoï, Hanoi, Vietnam, June 2016.
- Mac, Dang Khoa. "Vietnamese social affect: expression and perception." Workshop on Vietnamese Prosody, University of Cologne, Germany, August 2015.
- “Génération de parole expressive dans le cas des langues à tons,” PhD thesis, Grenoble University, France, June 2012. [Link]
- Programming in C/C++ (EE3490)
- System design and analysis: ACMI Master course AC5090 ; Cao học KTDK&TDH
- Interaction through natural language (AC6030)(ACMI Master course)
- Multimedia Database (AC5210)(ACMI Master course)
Master Students
- Pham, Quang Duy (2017 - 2018). "Vietnamese speech recognition for Voice contact application on mobile devices"
- Nguyen, Van Thinh (2017 - 2018). "Research and development Vietnamese Text-To-Speech system using Deep learning techniques"
- Nguyen, Thanh Dong (2016 - ). "Research and development of Vietnamese Text-To-Speech on iOS"
- Nguyen, Tien Thanh (2015 - 2016)."Vietnamese speech synthesis for some assistant services on mobile devices", MICA international MSc program: Ambient Computing Multimedia & Interaction (ACMI)
PhD Students
- Pham, Van Dong (2016 - ). "Speech synthesis for under resourced languages, application to minority languages in Vietnam" (Co-supervisor Assoc. Pr. Tran Do Dat)
- Tran, Thi Thu Thuy (2017 - ). "Automatic translation from Vietnamese text to Muong speech" (Co-supervisor with Dr. DO Thi Ngoc Diep)
Students who are interested in one of my research topics can contact me via above email for internship or graduation advising
[Last updated: August 8, 2018]