NGUYEN's Publications

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Publications in 2008
National Project Report

Nghien cuu su dung Statecharts de phan tich, thiet ke cac he thong nhung thoi gian thuc va ung dung vao xay dung he thong do luong dieu khien tien tien cho moi truong cam thu.
Institut Polytechnique de Hanoi - 2008

PhD Thesis

Infrastructure materielle et logicielle pour la fusion/fission d'Interface Homme-Machine NVTung.thesis.pdf
Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble - 2008
Publications in 2006
National Conference and Workshop Papers

"Cam bien" hong ngoai: Mot giai phap phat hien cac tai nguyen tuong tac
Hoi nghi khoa hoc lan thu 20 - Truong DHBK Ha Noi - Phan ban Dien, Truong DHBK Ha Noi - 2006
Publications in 2005
International Conference and Workshop Papers

Techniques de couplage de bureaux: Ambient-Desktop comme illustration
NICOLAS Barralon, NGUYEN Viet Tung, GAETAN Rey
Proceedings of the 2nd French-Speaking Conference on Mobility and Ubiquity Computing, ACM Press, pages 193-200, vol. 120, ACM - May 2005  doi:

National Conference and Workshop Papers

Internet applications for making experiment for online technical education and supervising the measured data
- April 2005
Publications in 2004
Articles in Peer-Reviewed National Journals

Introduction aux techniques et strategies de detection des messages d`entree et de sortie dans les problemes de fusion d`interfaces homme-machine
Revue vietnamienne Automation Today, pages 34-38, vol. 50 - December 2004
Publications in 2002
National Conference and Workshop Papers

Dinh vi nguon am bang ki thuat xu li tin hieu so
5th Vietnamese Conference on Automation VICA5 - October 2002

Masters Thesis

Dinh vi nguon am bang ki thuat xu li so tin hieu
Institut Polytechnique de Hanoi - December 2002